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How will my item be delivered?The easiest and cheapest way to get your t-shirt is to collect it personally from HKUST campus between Monday and Wednesday. If you aren't one to show up to lectures then we can of course deliver it. You will have to pay what we like to call a "lazy fee" for this service. This will all be specified once you've placed your email order at
Why didn't I recieve a confirmation email?If you emailed us your order and we didn't reply within 2 working days then that is indeed strange. Email us again at with the subject line "STILL WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION!" and we'll respond right away!
When will I recieve my order?We'll do our best to get it to you as soon as possible but if we have your item in stock ir should be between 2-5 working days.
Can I change my order?We usually start working on your order right away so that's why we don't gaurantee any refunds. That being said, we're a sympathetic bunch so tell our customer service team your story and if it pulls at our heart strings we might just be able to make an exception.
What currency do I pay in?As we are currently only operational in Hong Kong, we only accept Hong Kong Dollars
Can I refund my order?This unfortunately is not possible. We provide unisex t-shirts in the regular sizing so be sure to check you're happy before placing orders.
What are acceptable payment methods?We prefer it if you pay us in cash. We can however accept bank transfers. Please email us at for more details. Or even easier, include your payment preference in your purchasing email.
Where can I find the color or size I'm looking for?Here at bullshirts we're very accomodating. Just tell us what you want and we'll see what we can do. We can't make miracles happen but we can try our best.
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