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Meet the Team

Marton Hegedus 

You don’t get much more Hungarian than this guy. He’s as patriotic as they come and can be found eating Goulash (a local Hungarian beef dish) all day, any day.


Fun Fact: He pronounces the letter ‘w’ like it’s a ‘v’. If you’re up for a laugh, try asking him to say ‘Where would warring Wanda Witch wantonly wander, while warily worried, when wolves wrestle with wily wolverines?’


Florine Siderius

She’s a kaaskop, which translated into her native language of Dutch means “cheese head”—a word reserved for only those that are Dutch through and through.  


Fun Fact: Despite her having no relation to China, she can speak Mandarin. If you can too, see how good she is and say hello!

Jasper Baijings

He's a true global citizen. He's half Dutch and half New Zealand, did his Bachelors in England, Worked in New York and is completing his Masters in Hong Kong and Canada. Despite his international background though, he only speaks English. Well, officially he speaks Dutch but nobody understands it. 


Fun Fact: Although he's never visited mainland China, his last name was once confused with with his destination and his luggage was sent to Beijing. 

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